Goa Bird Festival — Valpoi, Goa, Jan 17-19, 2020

  • From:
    January 17, 2020
  • To:
    January 19, 2020
  • Timing:
    5:00AM to 22:30PM
  • Location:
    Forest training school complex, Valpoi
  • Website

Goa is home to over 450 species of birds, both residents and migratory.

Come January, Goa Forest Department is celebrating Third Edition of the Bird Festival from 17th to 19th Jan 2020. Main events are planned at Valpoi and Surla of Sattari Taluka.

The Bird Festival aims to generate awareness towards wildlife and conservation of their habitat with special emphasis on birds.

Registration in advance is solicited from all interested participants to the Bird Festival which will be done on a first come first served basis, to a maximum of 200 delegates.


  1. Open for everyone with a nominal registration fee. Delegates can register online.
  2. Experts and renowned speakers sharing their knowledge and experiences on birds and wildlife conservation.
  3. Day trips to birding sites for those unable to attend entire events.
  4. Bird walks and field trips in majestic forests of Valpoi, Bondla, Molem and Mhadei harbouring rich bird diversity. 
  5. Festival events include quiz, film shows, videography and photography competitions for which entries can be sent to Forest Department.

For more details, including the schedule, please visit their website.

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