Snow leopard sighted in Uttarakhand”s Gangotri National Park

Assam villagers grow pepper to save crops, keep away wild elephants

The fearless ranger who lived and died for the forest

AI identifies bats that carry Nipah virus

Poached for parts or sacrificed at the altar: Why wildlife conservation is getting more important

Karnataka Is Becoming Killing Field For Elephants, 11 Have Fallen In And Died In Just 1 Year

15 Images That Show How Late Monsoons Have Changed The Landscape Across India

Slap PD Act on those who attack officials: Forest officials

AI helps identify bat species suspected of carrying Nipah virus

Plea for de-concretisation of trees: NGT asks petitioner to approach forest department

As shards of beer bottles pose threat to animals in Mt Abu, authorities to promote beer cans

Daily Court Digest: Major environment orders (July 2, 2019)

NGT summons Surveyor General for not filing report on mining in Chittorgarh

First Green Party of J&K launched by environmental lawyer with focus on preserving local forest …

Wildlife hospital in Bengaluru wins Thimmakka award for animal rescue efforts

Gir lions affected by deadly virus last year, vulnerable, may never be freed in the wild

Charging tiger reflects stress on wildlife: Experts

NGOs condemn mob attack

Telangana: Forest NGOs condemn attack on officer

An improved surgical implantation method for radio tracking pythons