Why full dams don’t mean water security : A look at South Africa – Down To Earth Magazine

Common, yet threatened: The case of northeast India’s Malayan giant squirrels

Leonardo DiCaprio pledges $43 million to restore Galpagaos Islands

West Bengal: Forest department, NGOs ready plans to help wildlife in distress

Officer awarded for snow leopard conservation

Gomala land for jumbo corridor inspected – The New Indian Express

NGT team to probe excess mining allegations

The reason wild forests beat plantations

Siphon wells like maternity wards for tigers, bears: Vet

India’s environmental misadventures

48 freshwater turtles found dead in Maharashtra; no case filed yet

Audit raises objection to ₹21cr spending by Chandigarh forest dept

Development of elephant corridor: Survey to transfer 1000 acres to Forest department begins

Reducing man-animal conflict: CM Thackeray seeks proposal to rehabilitate 2 villages near buffer …

Muniya has Finally Been Notified as a Conservation Reserve

[Interview] Bittu Sahgal: “Young people want to protect the environment, but don’t have their hands …

Forest Rangers Struggle To Prevent Poaching Amid Lockdowns

One more leopard dies in Gondia

Lightning strike suspected in deaths of 18 elephants in India and 350 rare antelopes in Kazakhstan

Video of Jumbo Baby Elephant Being Rescued from Deep Pit Goes Viral