Prices of big cat parts in China doubles

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Environmental Investigation Agency’s (EIA) new investigation has revealed that skins and other body parts of Indian wild tigers and leopards are being sold openly in China and at much higher prices than before.

The investigation carried out by an international NGO, Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA), states that the prices of tiger and leopard parts in Chinese markets have doubled since 2005: tiger skins are selling for 11,660-21,860 dollars, leopard skins for 1,020-2,770 dollars. The fact that the prices have escalated  … Read More

Tiger poacher convicted to 3 years rigorous imprisonment

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New Delhi: A court in Khatima, Udham Singh Nagar district of Uttarakhand had sentenced notorious tiger poacher Birbal alias Totha Ram, a resident of Panipat to three years rigorous imprisonment and fine of rupess 10,000 in connection with the seizure of 12ft long tiger skin on August 2004.

The staff of Terai East Forest Division, Uttarakhand with the assistance of Wildlife Protection Society of India (WPSI) had arrested bawariya poacher Totha Ram with a tiger skin from Banbasa in 2004. … Read More

Sinister start to new year for big cats

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LUCKNOW: With three tiger deaths reported from UP and Uttarakhand over the past ten days, new year has started on an ominous note for the big cat. Even as investigations into the cause of death are still under way and officials predictably rule out foul play in at least two cases, experts feel that warning sounded off by the minister for forest and environment Jairam Ramesh could be coming true sooner than expected.

The minister had recently expressed concern at … Read More

Indian Tiger is Tibet’s Second Skin

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Armed with a spycam, Belinda Wright entered Tibet posing as a buyer of tiger skin. To her horror, she not only found the endangered animal’s skin openly sold on the streets but also used as clothing by Tibetans.

Tibet is every bit as magical as I expected it to be. Its desolate and wind swept plains, mist-covered mountains, and stoic and friendly people, exceed one’s dreams. But Tibet also broke my heart when I visited its villages and towns in … Read More