Connecting Tiger Populations for Long-term Conservation

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Newly mapped tiger corridors to provide safe passage to dispersing big cats.
Amit Chand
The corridors include a strategy for incorporating mandatory safe passages in infrastructure projects.

According to a Dec 02, 2019 Press Release from the Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change (MoEFCC), the Indian Government has mapped 32 major tiger corridors inside and outside protected areas across the country, as part of a long-term conservation strategy for the big cats. The plan, which is also likely to benefit many other species, will include mandatory animal passages when developing new infrastructure projects.

The plan is contained in a document titled ‘Connecting Tiger Populations for Long-term Conservation’, developed by the National Tiger Conservation Authority (NTCA), in collaboration with the Wildlife Institute of India (WII).

According to the release, studies are currently underway to collect more information on how the corridors are being utilized by tigers. The maps are also being modified further with microlevel landscape details. The government is reportedly exploring the possibility of including more corridors by next year.

For more details, see the Press Release from the MoEF CC. 

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