Q: Looks like the battle to free mining completely from Kudremukh Tiger Reserve is not over yet. During my recent visit I could hear Blasting every now and then, no idea if it was open pit or underground. After few inquires found out that Mining rights have been given to a private company from Kerala for a certain period. It’s proximity to the PA is definitely questionable. What happened to the so called ESZ Guidelines, why is it not followed there?

Asked by Siddhartha Kumar Gogoi

Answer from Praveen Bhargav, Wildlife First:

The battle in Kudremukh was against iron ore mining by the Kudremukh Iron Ore Company Limited (KIOCL), and that has been won. All iron ore mining activities have stopped since January 2006, and all attempts to seek a review of the landmark Judgment of the Supreme Court have failed. Nobody has been granted mining rights within the National Park. Since you have not specified the exact location where you heard blasting, it is difficult to give a precise response to your question. If the sounds were coming from the erstwhile mine, it could be from the old mining plant, which is being dismantled by a sub-contractor. The ESZ notifications are under process and will hopefully be issued very shortly.

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