Q: Can we raise a campaign regarding the downfall of Keoladeo National Park and the grave danger of loosing its tag as World Heritage Site. We all love the sanctuary which has been one of the largest refuge of birds and mammals in India.

Asked by Indranil Basu

Answer from Shekar Dattatri, Conservation India:

Thanks for your mail and question to CI.

A campaign to revive and save Keoladeo National Park is long overdue and would be welcome. However, before such a campaign is attempted, a lot of homework will be needed, to analyse the exact reasons for the park’s downfall and the potential solutions to the various problems. There should also be a good degree of coordination with other like minded people, particularly those with expertise and experience about Keoladeo National Park and wetlands in general. This article on Conservation India provides a background to this issue: “Bharatpur — Can we Regain this Bird Paradise?”

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