Q: I have been an avid wildlifer since I was kid. I am a engineer and work in a regular 9 to 5 job. But sometimes I feel like doing something for wildlife conservation in India. Even though it is not possible for me to leave my job, how can I still contribute towards wildlife conservation?

Asked by Shashank Gangil

Answer from CI moderator: Shashank, a lot of wildlife enthusiasts have similar questions. They care for nature and are interested to contribute but don’t know how. CI’s fundamental goal is to enable that — to provide specific actionable items for interested citizens to do even if they don’t have a lot of time. Several successful conservationists are not fulltime into conservation. Our Toolkit section provides a whole host of reckoners that provides knowhow on specific areas and issues (like wildlife law and its violations) as well as how you can act.

Here are some examples:

These are just a few to get you started. There are several more on CI and several more will be added on a regular basis.

I hope this helps.

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