Q: I want to educate myself about various laws regarding forest and wildlife conservation. Is there any good book or any other source? What is mean by wildlife monitoring?

Asked by Pradyumna Behera

Answer from Shekar Dattatri, Conservation India:

Please read the following article on Conservation India: Legal framework for wildlife conservation in India by Praveen Bhargav. Also, please see the following video in our gallery section: An introduction to India’s conservation laws. You can buy all the wildlife and forest related Acts in book form from any book store that supplies books relating to law, accounting etc. Every city has a store that specialises in these sorts of publications. If you want to find a book store in your city check with an auditor or lawyer. Acts include: Wildlife (Protection) Act and latest amendments, Forest Conservation Act, Environmental Protection Act, and Biodiversity Act.  Monitoring wildlife generally means monitoring the populations of wildlife. To see a video on monitoring techniques go to the video: Monitoring Tigers and their Prey and watch all 9 of the segments.

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