Q: I would like to understand why private vehicles are allowed in any sanctuary as it disturbs the ecosystem. One such example is Sanjay Gandhi National Park (Borivali, Mumbai). In such a densely populated concrete jungle we have such wonderful flora and fauna. Why is this getting ruined because the government is allowing private vehicles to access the sanctuary, where speed limit is not observed, people who use the park as their bar and litter the park with bottles and plastic? When we have strong NGOs in the city, why do we fail to stop these harmful activities? I would like to raise these concerns to the forest department but I am unaware of how to go about doing it, so would like CI to look into the matter and give me a solution on how I can give my inputs to conserve the amazing wildlife in my city.

Asked by Sachin Vedak, Mumbai

Answer from Debi Goenka, who heads Mumbai-based environmental NGO Conservation Action Trust (CAT):

Private vehicles are only allowed to ply from the main gate at Borivili to the Kanheri Caves, which are not part of the notified National Park. We have tried to get the forest dept. to introduce shuttle buses, but since these are not financially viable, the forest dept. is not interested.

Re alcohol, this is strictly prohibited, and complaints should be immediately made to the SGNP Park director, Mr. Sunil Limaye. Try and get pics of the offenders and their vehicles, if possible.

If you want to follow up on this issue, please contact us.

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