IBCN Small Grants Programme – BNHS

The Bombay Natural History Society (BNHS), through their Royal Society for Protection of Birds (RSPB) annual grant, has set aside a fund that is available for the Indian Bird Conservation Network (IBCN), towards conservation work connected with Important Bird Areas (IBAs) and threatened species of birds of India.

The total grant available for 2012-13 is Rs. 5,00,000/- and individual grants will be awarded upto Rs.50,000/- to IBCN members (individual or institutions). Small Grants may be for complete funding or a contribution to a larger project.

Addressing Conservation Priorities

The grants aim to achieve maximum effect by funding proposals that:

  • Are focused on threatened bird species or IBAs
  • Have clear objectives and practical conservation benefits
  • Assist in developing future potential of organisations and individuals
  • Are able to make effective use of the limited funds available

In addition, those applications that can raise additional funding to support their project proposals will be considered more favourably.

Applications and Approval

A concept note should be submitted by 15 November 2012 and these will be reviewed by BNHS. Those projects selected will be asked to submit a full proposal. Recipients will be asked to sign a contract, confirming the use to which the funds are to be put and agreeing the implementation and reporting schedule.

Note: Only members of IBCN are eligible to apply for this grant. 

Requirements for Applications

1. Concept Note (submitted by 15 November 2012):

The note should be in English, a maximum of one side of A4 paper, sent by e-mail and contain:

  • Project title and area of implementation
  • A paragraph description of the project
  • A paragraph for justification for the project: why is it needed and what conservation priorities will it help to address?
  • The timing and duration of the project
  • The total project budget and amount requested from the small grant.

2. Full Proposal (if selected):

The Application should be in English, a maximum of four sides of A4 paper, sent by e-mail and contain:

  • Project title and area of implementation
  • Details of the applicant, including the name of the responsible individual, address, fax number and e-mail address
  • The objective of the project
  • The justification for the project: why is it needed and what conservation priorities will it help to address?
  • The timing and duration of the project
  • The methods to be used by the project
  • The outputs (for example reports, conservation activities) that are expected and the timings
  • For research projects, the expected conservation results or the links to organisations or other projects which will use the results of the study for conservation action
  • Approval from government and other authorities if necessary
  • A budget showing the total project budget and the amount requested from the small grant.

Proposals should be emailed at IBCN Secretariat to ibabnhs@gmail.com , addressing Dr. Raju Kasambe, Project Manager, IBA Programme, BNHS, Mumbai. Tel: 022-22821811 (Board, BNHS)

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