RRCF welcomes raptor research project proposals for 2015-16

Raptor Research & Conservation Foundation (RRCF) encourages your active participation in increasing our knowledge of raptor biology and ecology in India. We invite project proposals for 2015-16 from wildlife researchers having good raptor identification skills, with clearly defined objectives that also have high conservation impact. The amount of grant available is up to Rs. 2,50,000 with a duration of 1 year. Your activity schedule must be realistic and achievable with deliverables within the given time frame. Researchers must provide 2 to 3 professional references with their contact details. RRCF will consider a second round of funding if results obtained merit further research. Please download our questionnaire on www.raptors.net.in. Look at the projects funded by RRCF.

Mission of Raptor Research & Conservation Foundation:

  1. Conservation through research to ensure stable wild populations of the various species of Asian birds of prey. Raptors are the litmus test of the viability of the varied habitats they occupy and are represented as symbolic emblems of power in cultures throughout the world.
  2. We shall endeavour to augment existing knowledge of raptor biology and ecology, and through scientific research, work towards maintaining suitably large diverse habitats, preserve biological diversity and prevent any extinction.
  3. Disseminate knowledge gained to ornithologists, pertinent Government Agencies and, through education and awareness, the public at large. More.
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