CI Wishes its Readers a Green 2014!

CI Team

Ramki Sreenivasan
The critically endangered Sociable Lapwing wintering in Gujarat

Chosen as 'Picture of the Week'

CI is two years old and going strong, thanks to the overwhelming response from our readers and well wishers. Read on for a summary of the important milestones that have marked our journey this far.

It has been a terrific couple of years for Conservation India. CI was launched exactly two years ago and along the way we have clocked some interesting statistics. Here is a quick snapshot of our traffic (Google Analytics for the period Jan 01, 2012 to Dec 31, 2013):

  • Total Visits to the Site: 429,320
  • Total Unique Visitors: 286,947
  • Total Pageviews: 1,062,048
  • Average monthly visits: Between 12,000 to 30,000 (sometimes upto 10,000 per day)
  • Average Pages / Visit: ~3

It is significant to note that CI continues to operate with no office or employees. It is driven entirely by passion, and the support of a small group of reliable volunteers. We hope to widen our support base in 2014 to enable us to reach out to a bigger audience.

CI’s goal, as always, is to enable conservation action by providing a platform for mass collaboration. We believe that conservation can only go mainstream if more informed citizens engage with it. We define conservation as knowledge-driven actions that lead to the effective management and recovery of wildlife. That means giving priority to meeting the ecological needs of wildlife populations in decline, and to the recovery and expansion of their habitats.

Our aim is to provide content that is relevant and actionable to our readers. Our popular features have been our Toolkit items, gallery (images & videos), case studies and articles. Our campaigns have generated huge public and media interest, allowing us to successfully target various stakeholders for specific conservation outcomes. Our campaigns to stop the building of a RADAR station on fragile Narcondam island in the Andamans, and our expose and campaign to stop the massacre of Amur falcons in the north east, received overwhelming support from CI’s readers, resulting in the shelving of the former, and concerted action by several NGOs on the ground in the case of the latter, which resulted in no Amur falcons being killed in Nagaland during the migratory season in 2014. With several important conservation issues looming large, we expect to ramp-up our campaigning efforts in the coming years.

Thank you for being part of the CI community. This is your site. Help it to grow and flourish!

The featured image is the Critically Endangered Sociable Lapwing (Vanellus gregarius) that is a winter visitor in small flocks to NW India. As per the current IUCN Red List category, this species is listed as Critically Endangered because its population has undergone a very rapid reduction and this decline is projected to continue and increase in the future. Fieldwork in Kazakhstan (and counts in Turkey and the Middle East) has shown the population to be substantially larger than previously feared, but recent demographic studies have found low adult survival, possibly largely driven by hunting pressure along the migration routes and wintering grounds.

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