First Ever Camera Trap Photo of Striped Hyena in Bandipur Tiger Reserve

Dr. Ullas Karanth / WCS
Photo-capture of a striped hyena in Bandipur

Chosen as 'Picture of the Week'

This recent photo-capture of a striped hyena on 6th February 2012, at Sorakki-Manti Road 1.6 km, in the Yalachatti beat of Moyar range, Bandipur Tiger Reserve, has conservation significance for the species and is an important record for the reserve.

Striped hyenas have been documented before in Mudumalai, but there have only been anecdotal reports of their presence in adjoining Bandipur. Their presence in adjacent areas inside Karnataka is only speculative.  The last two authentic evidences documenting their presence, are a road kill reported by Dr. Ullas Karanth around Nugu Wildlife Sanctuary in 1984 (observed and collected by the then ACF (Wildlife), Mysore); and another observation and a mobile phone capture by Praneet Goteti in farmlands around Bandipur (Moyar area) in April 2008.

This photo-capture was obtained as part of Phase IV monitoring for tigers conducted by Centre for Wildlife Studies / Wildlife Conservation Society – India in partnership with the Karnataka Forest Department and National Tiger Conservation Authority.

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