Illegal Tree-felling in Primary Lowland Rainforest at Miao RF, Namdapha Tiger Reserve

Ramki Sreenivasan

Chosen as 'Picture of the Week'

Miao RF is primary evergreen forest adjacent to the Namdapha National Park which also has seen extensive illegal encroachments and tree-felling. Home to five species of Hornbills, the preferred massive nesting trees are exactly the type targeted for felling.

In May, 2011, while birding, Bikram Grewal, Bano Haralu and I noticed Illegal tree-felling in primary lowland rainforest at Miao reserve forest (RF) near Namdapha Tiger Reserve. There is serious loss of lowland evergreen forest in Miao RF and other neighbouring RFs as well as inside Namdapha tiger reserve due to encroachments. A private elephant was dragging giant logs down the steep hillside and and deposited logs at a make-shift timber mill.

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The Miao Reserve Forest adjacent to Namdapha National Park and Tiger Reserve in Arunachal Pradesh is in deep trouble.


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