Nilgai Attacked by Feral Dog Pack, Bikaner, Rajasthan

Nandakumar M


There are a lot of articles and discussions about the Human-Animal Conflict around us. But not much is known and discussed Domestic and Wild Animal Conflict. This is a very serious issue for concern in several places in India.

One such serious problem is attack by Feral / Free raging dogs attacking wildlife. Because of deforestation, and shortage of grazing land inside the jungle Herbivores are forced to enter human habitation for food and become easy victims for these feral Dogs.

I would like to share one such incident I have come across while travelling around Bikaner in Rajasthan. While driving to a birding destination I came across this shocking incidence. There were more than 20 dogs and a small group of Nilgai. The dogs were chasing the Blue Bulls all around the area. Blue bulls were running in panic but I felt they were helpless and easily outnumbered by these ferocious dogs.

On enquiry with a few locals, I was told the dogs are all resident there and the dumping of waste food and carcass have made them stay there and breed well. Whenever they come across these small herds of Blue Bulls they chase them and injure them very often. I’m sure there will be the case of even the death of these Blue bulls which will never be noticed.

Why not we regulate the disposal of the garbage and have some systemic procedure to control the dog population. If not controlled, I’m sure these beautiful Blue Bulls will become extinct there and we will see dogs n’ dogs all over there.

Is there an end for the agony to these beautiful mammals?

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