Dear Media Professional,
The attached resources may be useful for your story on the urgent need to conserve the Great Indian Bustard.
- Press Release
- Images along with photo credit and captions; clicking on the links below will open a high resolution image:
- Great Indian Bustard portrait (Photo credit: Ramki Sreenivasan/Conservation India) – There may be only 200 or fewer Great Indian Bustards (Ardeotis nigriceps) left in India. What’s worse, this tiny number is fragmented into small populations across several Indian states, making the bird even more prone to extinction.
- A group of Great Indian Bustards (Photo credit: Arpit Deomurari/Conservation India) – Already the bird has disappeared from more than 90% of its former range. It is now confined to only eight pockets in 6 Indian states and the largest population of about 100 birds (>50%) can be found in Rajasthan where it is the state bird.
- Great Indian bustard and windmills (Photo credit: Nirav Bhatt/Conservation India) – There has been a significant reduction in undisturbed bustard habitat due to development projects like energy, irrigation & roads.
- Great Indian bustards adjoining cottonfields (Photo credit: Ramki Sreenivasan/Conservation India) – Widespread agricultural expansion as well as impact of pesticides/chemical fertilizers has seriously impacted bustard populations.
- Conservation India logo.
For any further information, please email:
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