12 New Frog Species Discovered in India

A night frog from Munnar
Sachin Rai
Night frogs are extremely hard to find, coming out only at dark and during the monsoon.

A team of scientists who have spent years combing tropical mountain forests have found 12 new frog species as well as rediscovered 3 that were thought to be extinct. SD Biju of Delhi University, who headed the team has said that frogs are extremely important indicators of the climate change and pollutants in the environment. Globally, as many as 32% of amphibian species are facing extinction due to habitat loss as well as pollution. Many of the new frogs found, are said to be rare and living in only one area. Hence their habitat needs rigorous protection. The 12 new species include the meowing night frog, whose croak sounds more like a cat’s call, the jog night frog, unique in that both the males and females watch over the eggs, and the Wayanad night frog, which grows to about the size of a baseball or cricket ball.

The discoveries — published in the latest issue of international taxonomy journal Zootaxa — bring the known number of frogs in India to 336. Biju himself, is credited with discovering dozens of new Indian frog species during his 35-year career.

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