Aghanashini Lion-tailed Macaque Conservation Reserve Notified

A Lion-tailed Macaque
Ramki Sreenivasan

An area of 299.52 sq kms has been declared as the Aghanashini Lion-tailed Macaque Conservation Reserve in Karnataka. Lion-tailed Macaque (LTM) distribution in the Karnataka forests has been studied over the years by various scientists. A detailed survey along with Vijay Mohan Raj, DFO and Mr K. Santhosh, with the financial support from Karnataka Forest Department, Rufford Small Grants, Primate Action Fund (Conservation International) and Primate Conservation Inc. was carried out in 2008. This study confirmed the results of our earlier survey of largest LTM population in this region (Kumara and Singh, 2008) which formed the basis to identify the area as a potential conservation reserve for the Lion-tailed Macaque.

A plan was submitted to the Principal Chief Conservator of Forests (PCCF) and the Western Ghats Task Force committee. Further research identified a few more sensitive forest areas along the Aghanashini river and the boundary was remarked with a new proposal in 2009. This proposal was sent to the State government and the State wildlife board. Subsequently, a government order was passed on June 13, 2011 notifying the area as the Aghanashini Lion-tailed Macaque Conservation Reserve.

The detailed report is attached for download.

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