All Crane Species Under Threat of Extinction Says Waterbird Expert

Demoiselle Cranes in Rajasthan
Ramki Sreenivasan

Dutch scientist Dr. Joost Van der Ven, pioneer of the annual International Waterbird Census, has said that all 15 crane species of the world are under the threat of extinction. Five species live in India and hence India has an important role to play. The Sarus Crane population is a cause for concern. The western population of the Siberian Crane, that used to winter in India (last bird was seen in 2002) and Iran, was hunted to extinction along their migratory route. The eastern population is critically endangered and breeds in East Siberia and winters in China where their wintering grounds are threatened.

India has 200,000 of the 300,000 Demoiselle cranes present in the world, though they have challenges when they winter in the country.

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