Crowd funding support sought for book on sand mining

Synopsis from the author of the book, Kiran Pereira

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Sand has always been perceived to be a symbol of abundance in many cultures. It is popularly believed to be both renewable as well as inexhaustible. This book will challenge that perception and draw the reader’s attention to a common yet surprising phenomenon of the scarcity of sand as a resource. From glass to urban infrastructure, from silicon chips to pharmaceutical products, sand is used in mind-boggling volumes.  But extensive consumption has resulted in several social, environmental, economic and geopolitical impacts across the globe. Although specific industries have already begun to find alternatives due to shortage of sand, the gravity of the situation hasn’t percolated into the mainstream yet. This book attempts to fill that void and make the subject readily accessible to those who wish to delve deeper. The language used in the book is not academic although reference is made to available literature. 

I grew up in Bangalore, the Silicon Valley of India. As the city grew exponentially, I recall reading numerous newspaper reports about rivers being damaged due to incessant sand mining, yet I remember seeing miles and miles of sand laden trucks along highways. The topic always surfaced whenever there was a particularly serious problem but then receded in the media’s eternal quest for new stories. From 2010 – 2011, I did a Masters in Environment and Development from King’s College, London and I chose sand mining as the topic for my dissertation. After graduation, I continued to research and write blogs to raise awareness about this pressing environmental issue.

I believe I am the right person to write this book because of my wide variety of skills, experiences, and demonstrated passion. My forthcoming book will re-examine the way our society engages and deals with sand as a resource. Most importantly this book will bring a unique ‘join-the-dots’ perspective to the subject as it connects today’s problems with potential solutions. Together with you, I hope Sand Stories will be another step towards creating greater global awareness and advancing a platform for change in our lifetime.  

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