Followup Action on the Hunting Incident Near the Himayat Sagar Reservoir

People often feel helpless in the face of conservation issues, as even if they possess the know-how and try to take action, they are likely to face dead ends and official stonewalling. Sometimes a louder, or just a second voice is needed. Sharing conservation issues on Conservation India and other such portals helps achieve this. Diya Banerjee, a wildlifer and animal activist based out of Hyderabad, happened to read this post about Hunting near the Himayat Sagar Reservoir on CI. She promptly called the AP Anti Poaching cell at 1-800-425-5364. The call was answered and based on her complaint and report, a group of 4 or 5 AP Forest Department personnel visited the place and conducted raids in nearby villages, every morning and evening, for 7 consecutive days. They have also planned to cover the open ends of the lake which are good entry points for such gunmen. Many thanks to the APFD for undertaking such action, and many thanks to Diya Banerjee for taking the initiative!


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