Orissa Imposes Seven-month Ban On Fishing Near Turtle Nesting Sites

Dead Turtles off the Orissa coast
Biswajit Mohanty
Thousands of turtles get killed every year in fishing nets

Orissa has imposed a 7-month fishing ban within 20 kms of the coastline in three districts where there are olive ridley turtle nesting sites. Turtles have started congregating for their annual mating and mass nesting ritual. The ban has been imposed near the beaches of Gahirmatha, Rushikulya and Devi. Patrolling will be intensified to enforce the ban strictly. Last year, there were two nesting events and a record 7.2 lakh turtles had nested on the beaches. However, despite many conservation measures, thousands of turtles get killed every year in trawl nets and collisions with trawlers and boats.

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