Over Fifty Tigers Dead This Year: WPSI Report

A Tiger Found Dead in Corbett, Uttarakhand
Jay Mazoomdar

Statistics collated by the Wildlife Protection Society Of India (WPSI) indicate that 51-tigers have perished so far in 2011. Uttarakhand leads the states with 14-deaths followed by Karnataka with six and Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh with five each. A tiger killed by policemen using AK-47 machine guns outside Kaziranga National Park in Assam on Monday (5th Nov. 2011) is the latest in that list.

The WPSI Wildlife Crime Database has records of over 19,100 wildlife crimes involving more than 400 species that are targeted by wildlife traders and poachers. Important leads are verified and passed on to enforcement authorities for further action.

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Older Comments 1

  1. Ullas Karanth

    Assuming there are approximately 75 breeding tigresses securely reproducing in the 5 major protected areas of Karnataka Western Ghats (based on long term data we at WCS have), with a third of these producing (3 cubs/tigress) every year, about 75 new tigers are being added every year in Karnataka alone… if the all India numbers are ASSUMED to be five times (assuming so, since there is no real data), we can expect an addition of about 375 tigers to the population each year..the mortalities reported above have to be viewed in this context. The key challenge is to put in place robust tiger population monitoring mechanism that can generate such reliable data in all major tiger populations of India, so that proper assessments can be made…

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