Supreme Court order for the Tiger Tourism Case dated 29th August 2012


S U P R E M E  C O U R T  O F  I N D I A

Petition(s) for Special Leave to Appeal (Civil) No(s).21339/2011

(From the judgment and order dated 19/01/2011 in WP No. 12351/2010 of The HIGH COURT OF MADHYA PRADESH AT JABALPUR)

AJAY DUBEY Petitioner(s)


(With application for permission to file additional documents, directions, exemption from filing Official Translation, impleadment as party respondent, intervention, impleadment, vacating stay, compliance of order and modification, prayer for interim relief and office report)


Date: 29/08/2012 This Petition was called on for hearing today.


Mr. Raj Panjwani, Sr. Adv.(A.C.)

For Petitioner(s)
Ms. Prerna Mehta, Adv.

For Applicant (s)
In IA No. 11 &…. Mr. S.P. Singh, Sr. Adv.
Mr. D.S. Parmar, Adv.
Mr. Sushil tomer, Adv.
Mr. Anil Kumar Gupta-II, Adv.

In IA Nos. 12-14 Ms. N. Shobha, Adv.
Mr. Sriram J. Thalapathy, Adv.
Mr. V. Adhimoolam, Adv.

In IA Nos. 15 & 16 Mr. Paramjit Singh Patwalia, Sr. Adv.
Mr. T. Singh Dev, Adv.
Ms. Asmita Singh, Adv.
Mr. Gautam Narayan, Adv.

In IA No. 17
Ms. Aparna Bhat, Adv.

In IA Nos. 18 & … Mr. Ranjit Kumar, Sr. Adv.
Mr. C.A. Sundaram, Adv.
Mr. Mukul Rohtagi, Sr. Adv.
Ms. Madhavi Diwan, Adv.
Mr. R.N. Karanjawala, Adv.
Ms. Manik Karanjawala, Adv.
Ms. Ruby singh Ahuja, Adv.
Ms. Olga Lume Periera, Adv.
Mr. Udit Mehndiratta, Adv.
Mr. Ishan Gaur, Adv.
For M/s. Karanjawala & Co., Advs.

In IA No. 19 Mr. Dushyant Dave, Sr. Adv.
Mr. Jasbir Singh Malik, AAG.
Mr. Varun Puniap, Adv.
Mr. Milind Kumar, Adv.

In IA Nos. 20, 21 & 30
Mr. Naresh Kaushik, Adv.
Mr. Sanjay Upadhyay,Adv.
Mr. Tushar Thaiya, Adv.
Ms. Lalitha Kaushik, Adv.

In IA Nos. 22 & … Mr. Aditya Sondhi, Adv.
Mr. Nidhishree B.V., Adv.
Mr. Vikas Mehta, Adv.
Ms. Aditi Bhat, Adv.

In IA Nos. 23 & .. &
… in IA 23
Ms. V. Mohana, Adv.

In IA Nos. 24 & 25 Mr. Ravindra Shrivastava, Sr. Adv.
Ms. Anuradha Mutatkar, Adv.
Mr. Anup Jain, Adv.
Mr. Abhinav Shrivastava, Adv.
Mr. Anshuman Shrivastava, Adv.

In IA Nos. 26, 27 & ..
Ms. Shilpa Singh, Adv.

in IA Nos. 28 & 29 Mr. Siddharth Gupta, Adv.
Ms. Prerna Mehta, Adv.

In IA No. 31 Mr. Anil K. Kher, Sr. Adv.
Mr. Bhargava V. Desai, Adv.
Mr. Shreyas Mehrotra, Adv.
Ms. Pooja Bahuguna, Adv.

In IA No. 32
Mr. Dinesh Kumar Garg, Adv.

In IA No.33 Mr. Vivek Singh, Adv.
Ms. Madhu Sharan, Adv.
Mr. Rajeev Yadav, Adv.

In IA No. 34
For M/s Vidhi International, Advs.

In IA No. 35 Mr. Jaideep Gupta, Sr. Adv.
State of Assam Mr. Avijit Roy, Adv.
Mr. Navnit Kumar, Adv.
For M/s Corproate Law Group, Advs.

In IA No. 36
Ms. Asha G. Nayyar, Adv.

In IA No. 37
Mr. B.S. Banthia, Adv.

In IA Nos. 38-39 Mr. Ravindra Shrivastava, Sr. Adv.
Mr. M.K. Choudhary, Adv.
Ms. Namita Choudhury, Adv.
Mr. Yudhistir Bharadwaj, Adv.

For Respondent(s)
For Union of India/
MOEF & TCA Mr. G.E. Vahanvati, A.G.
Mr. Harris Beeran, Adv.
Mr. Nishant Patil, Adv.
Mr. Mushtaq Salim, Adv.
Mr. B. Krishna Prasad, Adv.

For the States of
Andhra Pradesh Ms. C.K. Sucharita, Adv.

Arunachal Pradesh Mr. Anil Shrivastav, Adv.
Mr. Rituraj Biswas, Adv.

Bihar Mr. Gopal Singh, Adv.
Mr. Manish Kumar, Adv.

Jharkhand Mr. S. Chandrashekhar, Adv.
Mr. Jayesh Gaurav, Adv.

Haryana Mr. Manjit Singh, AAG.
Mr. Tarjit Singh, Adv.
Mr. Kamal Mohan Gupta, Adv.

Karnataka Ms. Anitha Shenoy, Adv.

Kerala Mr. Ramesh Babu M.R. ,Adv

Madhya Pradesh & Mr. Vivek K. Tankha, Sr. Adv.
Rr Nos. 3-6 Mr. B.S. Banthia, Adv.
Mr. Rishabh Sancheti, Adv.
Mr. Avijit Singh, Adv.
Mr. Sumeer Sodhi, Adv.
Mr. B. Kumanan, Adv.
Mr. A. Singh, Adv.
Mr. V.K. Chopra, Adv.

Maharashtra Mr. Sanjay V. Kharde, Adv.
Ms. Asha G. Nair, Adv.

Manipur Mr. Khwairakpam Nobin Singh, Adv.
Mr. Sapan Biswajit Meitei, Adv.

Meghalaya Mr. Ranjan Mukherjee, Adv.
Mr. S. Bhowmick, Adv.
Mr. S.C. Ghosh, Adv.

Orissa Mr. Shibashish Misra, Adv.

Tamil Nadu Mr. B. Balaji, Adv.
Mr. R. Rakesh Sharma, Adv.
Mr. P. Krishna Moorthy, Adv.

Uttar Pradesh Mr. P.N. Mishra, Sr. Adv.
Mr. Shiv Prakash Pandey, Adv.

For RR No. 7 Mr. Ravindra Shrivastava, Sr. Adv.
Ms. Anuradha Mutatkar, Adv.
Mr. Anup Jain, Adv.
Mr. Abhinav Shrivastava, Adv.
Mr. Anshuman Shrivastava, Adv.

For RR Nos. 16 & 17 Mr. Naresh Kaushik, Adv.
Mr. Sanjay Upadhyay,Adv.
Mr. Tushar Thaiya, Adv.
Ms. Lalitha Kaushik, Adv.

For RR Nos. 1 & 2 Mr. Lakshmi Raman Singh, Adv.

Mr. Abhijat P. Medh, Adv.

Mr. V.N. Raghupathy, Adv.

UPON hearing counsel the Court made the following O R D E R

Heard learned counsel for the parties.

Applications seeking exemption from filing official translation are allowed.

Applications for interventions/impleadments are allowed.

The intervenors/impleaders will not be impleaded as parties in the Special Leave Petition but the counsel representing them will be heard as and when the matter is taken up. Liberty is granted to the intervenors/impleaders to file their respective affidavits.

The Attorney General appearing for the Union of India submitted that a comprehensive set of Guidelines are being framed by the the National Tiger Conservation Authority and Ministry of Environment & Forests with regard to fixation of core areas, buffer areas and tourism including welfare and religious tourism as contemplated, amongst other laws in force, under Section 38-O(c) of the Wildlife Protection Act as well as with regard to the protection of the Tigers in forest areas
as well as non-forest areas. The learned Attorney General submits that they would consider all aspects while formulating the Guidelines after taking the views of Expert Bodies and after letting all stakeholders participate. Inputs if any, should be submitted at the earliest and in any case not later than one week from today to the National Tiger Conservation Authority/Ministry of Environment & Forests.

Applications for vacating the interim orders will be considered on the next date of hearing.

The matter to come up on Thursday, the 27th September, 2012 as first case


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