Thousands of animals, from amphibians to elephants, are killed by speeding vehicles on our roads every year. Roads are also increasingly fragmenting forest blocks, making them more vulnerable to fire, poaching, encroachment and development activities. To bring about much-needed awareness on this issue, Shekar Dattatri of Conservation India is producing a public service video on the negative impact of roads and highways on wildlife.
Once completed, the film will be screened to policy makers at all levels, to try and bring about positive changes in the road/highway planning process. It will also be uploaded online for everyone to share and use.
For this video to create the necessary awareness, we need clear, powerful images of various road impacts. We are therefore seeking contributions of high resolution photos (5-10 MB or more), or steady and clear video clips, as per the categories listed below. Please send the images/videos to conservationindia@gmail.com.
- Wildlife roadkills and collisions with vehicles.
- Wildlife on or by the side of tar roads and highways (crossing the road, feeding, being fed, basking, resting etc).
- Road construction or road widening in a natural habitat.
- Shots of eco-bridges, canopy bridges or animal-crossing tunnels (from any part of the world), with or without animals using them.
The above list is indicative rather than exhaustive, so please use your judgment on what other images might be appropriate.
Kindly do not put your name or any watermark on the picture/video. If your material is included, we will make sure that your name is acknowledged in the credits. The copyright of the material will always remain with you, and the image/video clip will never be used for any commercial purpose.
This is a chance for all conservation-minded photographers to put their pictures to good use and help make a difference. Through this video, your pictures and video clips can have a positive impact and help change the hearts and minds of those who matter. We hope that, despite your busy schedule, you will take the time to contribute to this important project.