Guidelines for Human-Leopard conflict management

A captured leopard
Kalyan Varma
The guidelines are suggested for managing human-leopard conflict situations in areas where leopards coexist among high densities of humans.

Leopards are a highly adaptable species that live in and around many human- dominated, agricultural landscapes. It is a daunting challenge to ensure the peaceful coexistence of leopards among high densities of humans of the order of 200 or more to a Research indicates that even in such high human density areas, attacks on humans and domestic animals in most cases can be kept to very low levels. The goodwill and trust of people especially in rural areas are vital to dealing with crisis situations arising out of loss of life and livestock by leopards in rural areas. The Forest department is the first to face the heat of the public reactions and requires the goodwill and confidence of the rural community much more than any other government department.

These guidelines provide a framework not only to address the conflict after its occurrence, but also to minimize such conflicts through adoption of necessary pro-active measures. The document can also be downloaded from the MOEF website.

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